Wednesday, December 7, 2016

40th Annual Holiday Boat Parade

B Realtors: 40th Annual Holiday Boat Parade: Rec Event Date:  Saturday, December 17, 2016 -  ...

Friday, December 2, 2016


No reprieve - The appears the people lost this fight... (maybe, a small prayer remains...)

 Boca Raton: State approves construction of 4-story mansion on beach

Project faces further review from city
after OK catches some off-guard
By Steve Plunkett
    The state’s environmental agency has issued a “notice to proceed” on construction of a controversial beachside mega-mansion, but Boca Raton officials say the owner of the undersized lot has more hurdles to cross.
    “You are hereby granted final authorization to proceed with construction” of a four-story, single-family dwelling at 2500 N. Ocean Blvd., according to the notice issued Oct. 18 by the Department of Environmental Protection.
    The entire lot, located on the ocean between Spanish River Park and Ocean Strand, is east of the state’s Coastal Construction Control Line, which calls for stricter scrutiny of proposed projects.
    But the landowner, Natural Lands LLC, still must pass review by the city’s Environmental Advisory Board and obtain a Coastal Construction Control Line variance and a building permit from Boca Raton, Deputy City Manager George Brown told the City Council on Nov. 22.
    Brown said the city was surprised that the DEP issued the permit without receiving a letter directly from Boca Raton stating that the proposal does not conflict with city zoning codes. The DEP confirmed that “although it is not their usual practice, they accepted a copy of [a city resolution] for the lot width variance, instead of a letter,” Brown said in a memo.
    The state agency’s files show the resolution was sent to Natural Lands with a cover letter in June from city zoning officer John Harbilas, who called it his “response to a request for a zoning confirmation letter.”
    “The subject property satisfies the minimum requirements of the [multifamily zoning] district, including the minimum lot size requirements, and also the minimum setback requirements,” Harbilas wrote the landowner. Natural Lands forwarded the letter to the DEP.
    The City Council in December 2015 reversed a Zoning Board of Adjustment decision that prohibited construction of the 10,432-square-foot house. The zoning board had declined to approve variances for property width and front-yard setbacks.
    Furious residents complained that the structure would change the face of the beach, disorient nesting sea turtles and set a precedent for even more development.
    Council members defended their decision, claiming the city would likely face litigation because more than a dozen similar variances had been approved before. Natural Lands had dropped its request for a front-yard setback, moving the proposed home almost 15 feet closer to the ocean. Approved in a resolution was an 11.5-foot variance from the minimum lot width of 100 feet.
    At the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District’s Nov. 14 meeting, Al Zucaro, of citizen watchdog group Boca Watch, said residents were “misled” by the City Council, who told them the proposal “had many steps to go before any reality might be attached to it.”
    “All the other side had to do to get that permit was to demonstrate that the city of Boca Raton had granted the zoning approval. And the variance did that,” Zucaro said.
    Department of Environmental Protection spokeswoman Dee Ann Miller said the CCCL is “a line of regulation, not prohibition” and “should not be confused with setback lines or lines of prohibition which are established through comprehensive plans and local zoning laws.
    “That being said,” Miller continued, “as part of the permitting process an applicant is required to submit written evidence from the local government stating the proposed activity does not conflict with local setback requirements or zoning codes — which the applicant did.”
    The DEP permit, which is posted at the site, expires Oct. 7, 2019. Natural Lands contacted the city Nov. 4 to begin the Environmental Advisory Board review, Brown said. The item will be scheduled for an advisory board meeting once the landowner resolves questions from city staff, he said.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Palmetto Promenade - WOW - Affordable Rentals??

B Realtors: Palmetto Promenade - WOW - Affordable Rentals??: PALMETTO PROMENADE  333 East Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Affordable Housing? Question of the day... - AT THESE ...

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

AND THE BEAT GOES ON... Local election update

BOCA TOWERS BLOG: AND THE BEAT GOES ON...: S ince the election, several rumbles have been heard in local politics. Here are a few that have  caught my eye. O ur local politicos have...

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

BOCA TOWERS BLOG: After Election - Moving on...

BOCA TOWERS BLOG: After Election - Moving on...: MOVING ON... N ow that the people have spoken, it is time to think of the impact of the election results on the owners and residents of ...

Friday, October 28, 2016

BOCA TOWERS BLOG: What's in your Ballot?

BOCA TOWERS BLOG: What's in your Ballot?: What's in your Ballot? As the November election approaches, it is appropriate to focus on the local candidates, state amendments and ...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


The Federation of Boca Raton 
Homeowner Associations
Tuesday, November 1, 2016 8:30 am
Boca Raton Community Center
150 Crawford Boulevard
What's on the horizon for Rutherford Park and how does this impact Boca Raton?

Preliminary guidance has been provided by your elected City Council.  

Boater?  Eco-tourist?  Nature-Lover?  Canoe Enthusiast?

You won't want to miss this!

Hear directly from City's expert on waterway projects, Jennifer Bistyga, about the plans for Rutherford Park.

Community Spotligh
Helping to Build a Better Boca....for 50 years!

For more information about the Federation, please visit our website

Boca Raton Federation of HOAs, P.O. Box 1855, Boca Raton, FL 33429-1855

Thursday, October 20, 2016


BOCA TOWERS BLOG: FIRE ON LAKE WYMAN: FIRE ON LAKE WYMAN There were two fires burning this morning on Lake Wyman.  A Boca Raton Fire Boat and Boca Raton Police Boat re...

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


BOCA TOWERS BLOG: "SAVE LAKE WYMAN": New boat ramps, restored canoe trails part of Boca Raton parks' revival Boca Raton plans to add two boat ramps, a kayak launch ...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Lake Wyman vs City Will

Boca Raton / Lake Wyman

**Note - I am not an authority on this - my timelines and facts could be a little off...
However - I stand behind the meaning and the trajectory of this writing.
I do not have the time to take all day to "proof read", so please forgive my grammatical errors..

2011 - Lake Wyman
Study was done at lake Wyman -
Study outlined environmentally sound and protective plan that included renovation of the lake and the canoeing areas.
This study confirmed the environmental concerns including several "protected" species of seagrass, Manatee habitat and a very environmentally sensitive area.

2015 - Lake Wyman
The city - has another presentation on Lake Wyman -
The study - had very similar results, however, with pressure from the city, it included a "day dock" - "NOT  A BOAT RAMP / LAUNCH" - the city specifically Scott Singer, brought up the subject of a "Boat Ramp / Launch" - I personally and publicly objected to this idea.

2016 - Lake Wyman
The city has another presentation on Lake Wyman -
The presentation - IS 100% INCLUSIVE OF A BOAT RAMP AND LAUNCH -

Do you want a boat ramp / launch at Lake Wyman?  The current ramp is downtown, surrounded by "sea wall" - North of the ramp is sea wall and south of the ramp is Lake Boca - "Surrounded by sea wall"  - Now let's look at Lake Wyman - 5% sea wall - 95% mangroves -  trash bounces off sea wall - trash is absorbed by the mangroves...  Lake Boca has no beach, Manatees, seagrass or other protected species...  Lake Wyman has a beach, Manatees, mangroves, seagrass, and several other protected species...

Ocean Strand - Key Point -  One of the key reasons we had a successful outcome was due to the fact that the Park District was one our side -  AT LAKE WYMAN THIS IS NOT THE CASE - I SPOKE TO EARL STARKOFF, A PARK DISTRICT DIRECTOR, AND HE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS IDEA LAST MONTH -

It was at that time I publicly predicted the city would force a boat ramp / launch at Lake Wyman.

Is there a point to fight this?  It appears there is no end to this cities leadership's power grabbing, money and destruction of our paradise...

When does this aggressive overreach stop? What is the goal of this leadership?

Answer - To make Boca Raton what they think Boca should be -  Not what the people want...

I cannot understand how these people can get elected or better yet re-elected.



Sunday, October 2, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016

Downtown Boca Raton's 'ultra-luxury' condo building officially under construction

327 Royal Palm breaks ground

BOCA RATON, Fla. - Construction is officially underway on downtown Boca Raton's newest building.
Developers and city leaders broke ground on 327 Royal Palm today.
The 100-foot tall building will be home to 24 "ultra-luxury" condos. Many of which have already sold.
The property is located at 327 East Royal Palm Rd., one block south of Palmetto Park Road.
Developers say it will fit nicely in the growing downtown area.
"Downtown is already a very vibrant place with restaurants and everything that is happening, and I think this building will bring a very select set of residents," said Ignacio Diaz, a developer with Group P6.
Many residents have spoken up against the size of new buildings downtown.
This one followed the city's building guidelines. It  received a minor, parking-related variance, according to the deputy mayor. It hasn't drawn much criticism.
The building should be open by December 2017.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lake Wyman could make a comeback
Marci Shatzman
Boca could consider resurrecting the Lake Wyman Project at a city park in a city neighborhood.

Three city advisory boards have recommended reintroducing the county's Lake Wyman Restoration Project in Boca Raton, a move that was welcomed by county officials if the city acts.
Plans in 2012 called for adding picnic areas, a boat dock, more boardwalks and an observation platform, and sinking acres of land for sea grass behind Lake Wyman Park and James A. Rutherford Park on the west side of the Intracoastal Waterway.
City Council approved its share of the funding in May 2012, and former Mayor Susan Whelchel talked it up in her state of the city address in 2013.
But there was opposition. Some Golden Harbour neighbors wanted an independent study on how tides would flush in their neighborhood, built on canals. They also asked for a sinking fund to maintain the mangroves, and canoe and kayak trails that were overgrown and no longer usable.
But there were deadlines for grants at the time, and since then nothing has happened on the proposed 50-acre project.
Then on Dec. 10, 2014, the city's Marine Advisory Board started the ball rolling again when it recommended contacting the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, which had shepherded the project along before.
Marine Advisory Board chairman Gene Folden brought the letter before the Parks and Recreation Board at its January meeting. And the Environmental Advisory Board voted unanimously to join the support effort Jan. 29. Chairman Stephen Alley called for a vote and the panel unanimously approved it.
Resurrecting the project, priced at $3 million at the time, would please former Boca Ratonmayor now County Commissioner Steven Abrams, who has always championed the project.
Robert Robbins, director of Environment Resources Management, said if the city wants to move forward, the county could start from scratch on the design and the funding. His department still lists Lake Wyman on its website as an estuary project.
"We still believe this is a very valuable project and would be happy to resume working with the city, but there's two things we need to know," Robbins said. "If the city wants us to come back and work with them, and we need to know the residents are engaged.
"We're fine looking at a project again with a clean slate and fresh eyes. It has to be environmental restoration and we prefer a public use component," he said.
Stakeholders include the city and county, Florida Inland Navigational District, called FIND, which was picking up most of the funding, and the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District, among others.
"The FIND money would have to reapply, and the county money was used for other projects. That doesn't mean we can't find other money and look at other grants sources. But first there has to be an agreement as to the vision," Robbins said.
Abrams said everything remains on hold and "when the time is right we're more than willing to jump start the project," he said. "It's still a worthwhile project to do when they feel the time is right in renewing it."
He's still concerned about the neighbors.
"We have really worked hard to redesign the project to address their concerns," he said. "Ultimately, they live next door to a public park yet they have issues and we have to take those into account."
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